General Terms and Conditions
(Status: 22. Juli 2024)
I. General provisions
- Organizer
Parookaville GmbH
Katharinenquartier 4-6
47652 Weeze
Tel.: +49 (0) 28 37 / 91 11 12
Fax: +49 (0) 28 37 / 91 11 11
E-Mail: infodesk@parookaville.com
Commercial Register: Kleve Local Court – HRB 13611
(hereinafter referred to as „Organizer“).
- Scope / Contracting parties
- The festival (hereinafter referred to as “PAROOKAVILLE” or “Festival”) takes place in the designated festival area in the district of Kleve in the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The festival area comprises, in particular, all areas of PAROOKAVILLE-City that can only be accessed when holding a valid ticket (hereinafter referred to as “Ticket” or “Visa”) as well as the camping area and the parking zones (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Festival Area”).
These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) apply to the relationship between the buyer of a ticket (hereinafter referred to as “Parookavile Citizen” or “Citizen”) and the Organizer. To the extent general terms and conditions of contractors of the Organizer apply and if the content thereof conflicts with those of the Organizer, the GTC of the Organizer shall prevail.
By buying a ticket a Citizen concludes an event contract and acquires the right to visit the event. By booking a parking space a Citizen enters into a lease for a parking space. When booking a locker a Citizen enters into a lease for a locker (hereinafter referred to as “Locker”).
By buying a ticket a Citizen concludes an event contract and acquires the right to visit the event. By booking a parking space a Citizen enters into a lease for a parking space. When booking a locker a Citizen enters into a lease for a locker (hereinafter referred to as “Locker”).
- In addition to these obligations arising from the GTC a Citizen undertakes to follow additional rules regarding the behaviour in the different areas of Parookaville (Festival Area, camping area and the parking lot, in particular), provided that corresponding sets of rules (festival place rules, camping area rules or parking space rules) have been communicated to a Citizen in good time before entering the respective area.
- Contractual relationships only exist between the Organizer and the Citizen having bought a ticket.
- Conclusion of contract
- Tickets are purchased through the Ticket Shop of TicketPAY Europe GmbH (hereinafter only "TicketPAY"). After selecting the ticket on the Organizer's website https://www.parookaville.com/de/tickets, the citizen will be directed to the ticket shop at tickets.parookaville.com. In addition, the General Terms and Conditions of TicketPAY apply there.
- TicketPAY acts as an authorised proxy and in the name and on behalf of the Organizer in the sale of Tickets. The contract for the purchase of the ticket is concluded exclusively between the Organizer and the citizen.
- By pressing the button "Buy Now" or any other button corresponding to the provisions of § 312 j para. 3 BGB (German Civil Code), the citizen submits a binding offer to conclude a contract, which the Organizer accepts in the case of prepayment (bank transaction) by sending the booking confirmation by e-mail and in the case of all other payment methods by immediately sending the print@home tickets by e-mail.
- The Organizer is entitled to cancel an order of the citizen for which an order number has already been allocated (unilateral right of withdrawal) if the citizen violates the resale prohibitions regulated in clause 4 below. Sections 346 ff. BGB (German Civil Code) shall apply to the aforementioned right of withdrawal to the exclusion of Section 350 BGB (German Civil Code).
- Personalization of the tickets/ resale prohibitions/ no change of tickets/ contractual penalty
- The citizen is obliged to purchase and use the tickets exclusively for private purposes. Any commercial resale/distribution of the purchased tickets without the prior consent of the organizer is prohibited.
- All tickets are personalized, i.e. only those who have the right to attend the Festival are granted the right of entry. His/ Her name is on the ticket. Personalization is to be carried out by means of a subpage on the festival site (“MyTicket-Potal“) provided by the Organizer through TicketPAY Europe GmbH and must be carried out via this subpage.
- Tickets can be resold via the so called „Resale“ platform provided by the Organizer via TicketPAY Europe GmbH. Separate conditions apply for this.
- The following applies to a resale/transfer of tickets that is not done via this „Resale“ platform:
The right of entry exists only on the basis of the contract for the attendance of the Festival which the citizen has concluded with the Organizer (2.2). The citizen can only transfer the right of entry to third parties under the following terms: The third party must assume all rights and obligations arising from the Festival attendance contract. This requires the Organizer’s approval, which the Organizer grants in advance, but not in the cases mentioned below:
• if tickets are distributed or resold in the course of a commercial or business activity without the Organizer's approval in advance,
• in the case of an offer of tickets in the context of Internet actions not authorised by the Organizer,
• if tickets are resold at a price that exceeds the price resulting from the ticket plus a 25% surcharge for additional costs (such as postage and agency costs)
• if tickets are distributed or resold for advertising or marketing purposes, in particular as a prize in a competition or prize draw, or as part of a hospitality or travel package, without the Organizer's prior approval.
• if tickets are distributed or resold without reference to these GTC, in particular this clause 4. - The preparation of tickets (e.g. printing, alteration or any other kind of modification of tickets) for the purpose of deception is prohibited.
- Any citizen who culpably resells, distributes, raffles or prepares tickets in violation of the approval conditions/prohibitions above is obliged to pay the Organizer a reasonable contractual penalty, to be determined by the Organizer at his reasonable discretion and subject to judicial review, of up to €2,500.00 per ticket offered, resold, distributed, raffled or prepared in violation of the contract. The Organizer reserves the right to claim higher damages by offsetting the contractual penalty. In such cases, the Organizer is further entitled to block the ticket in question and to deny the citizen’s access to the Festival.
- Journey to festival
Travelling to the Festival Area and parking shall be at the visitors’ risk. In order to protect the environment public transport should be used. When using the public parking lot (against payment) the following special provisions for use of the parking lot (par. II) and the displayed parking lot rules shall apply.
- Access to Festival Area
- The Festival Area shall only be accessed by a Citizen holding a valid ticket and having attained the age of 18. During the first check-in (Festival Area / camp site) both the printed ticket and a valid identity card shall be presented. Tickets are exchanged for a festival bracelet which shall be carried along when staying in the Festival Area. Open or damaged festival bracelets cease to be valid and shall be exchanged (trouble shooting).
- Citizens holding a Full Weekend Visa + Campsite (Base Camp), Full Weekend Visa + Comfort Camp and Full Weekend Visa + Deluxe Camp may at any time commute between the Campsite parking lot and the campsite at the festival weekend and during the opening hours of the Festival Area. Citizens not staying overnight on the campsite and in Comfort / Deluxe Camp (hotel guests / daily visitors, etc.) can enter and leave the Festival Area only once. There is no re-entry on the same festival day for safety reasons.
- The Organizer reserves the right to deny access to the Festival Area for good cause. Good cause means but is not limited to carrying prohibited objects in terms of par. 8.2, a strongly intoxicated Citizen, if a Citizen is under the influence of drugs or in case of a Citizen’s homophobe, sexist, racist or inhuman attitude. Access will also be denied, if youth protection regulations are violated (par. 10). If good cause is shown for denying entry, a Citizen’s ticket will no longer be valid; the ticket price will not be refunded.
- The Organizer reserves the right to ban a Citizen not carrying along the festival bracelet (par. 6.1) from the entire Festival Area. There is no entitlement to a refund of the admission fee.
- The organiser may order appropriate preventive measures, require acts of cooperation and/or prescribe rules of conduct, in particular in order to meet health-related requirements for the benefit of citizens and/or other parties involved. The organiser's hygiene concept and the regulations of the Infection Protection Act as well as the ordinances resulting from the Infection Protection Act and applicable at the time of the event must be complied with. If compliance with the instructions is refused, the Organiser may issue a ban on visiting the event. The organiser points out that even if an appropriate protection and/or hygiene concept is fully implemented and all necessary hygiene measures are observed, an infection of the guest with the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and/or mutations thereof and/or other pathogens cannot be completely ruled out.
- Cashless payment
The organizer reserves the right to introduce a cashless payment system for contactless electronic payment in part or in full. The type and scope are determined solely by the organizer; there is no obligation to offer specific payment methods.
- Prohibited objects / access control
- Security checks (including body and bag searches) will be carried out at the entrance by the security staff. The security staff are authorised to carry out body and bag searches. The citizen agrees to this. The instructions of the security staff must be followed. The organiser reserves the right to issue an immediate reprimand in the event of non-compliance.
- The following items are prohibited on the festival site and will be collected and disposed of by the security service:
• Power packs and car batteries
• All types of means of transport (exception: wheelchairs, walking frames)
• Corrosive, flammable or colouring substances (e.g. spray paint cans)
• Banners, signs, symbols or flyers of any kind (signs in support of your favourite artist are of course excluded)
• Drugs and intoxicants
• drones
• flares
• Bottles, drinking backpacks, cans and Tetra Paks of all kinds (we have sufficient drinks at fair festival prices as well as free water stations on the festival site) (exception: empty foldable (plastic) drinking bottles with a capacity of up to 0.5 litres)
• Glass bottles/containers of all kinds (including perfumes, make-up, etc.)
• Large bags & rucksacks (gymbags and small rucksacks with few compartments are permitted)
• Sky lanterns
• Laser pointers and torches
• Megaphones
• Furniture and objects of all kinds identifiable as bulky waste
• Political or religious items of all kinds
• Powerbanks (commercially available powerbanks that fit in a trouser pocket are permitted, larger ones are not)
• Professional photo, film and video cameras and audio recording devices (digital cameras and GoPros are permitted)
• Pyrotechnics
• Umbrellas
• Slingshots of all kinds (e.g. water balloon slingshots)
• Shishas of all kinds
• Food of all kinds
• Spiritus, petrol or other flammable liquids
• Spray deodorants and sun cream (except roll-on deodorants, pump sprays without propellant and sun cream in tubes)
• Animals/pets
• Dry ice
• Vuvuzelas
• Weapons of all kinds (also in the technical sense)
• Walky-talkies
• Sparklers
• Dangerous objects of any kind
• Other items
- The following items are prohibited on the campsite and will be collected and disposed of by the security service:
• Power packs and car batteries
• All types of means of transport (exception: wheelchairs, walking frames; Caravan Empire: a sleeping vehicle and, if applicable, the towing car are permitted here)
• Corrosive, flammable or colouring substances (e.g. spray paint cans)
• Banners, signs, symbols or flyers of any kind (signs in support of your favourite artist are of course excluded)
• Drugs and intoxicants
• drones
• flares
• Gas cartridges with a filling weight of more than 450g
• Glass bottles/containers of all kinds (including perfumes, make-up, etc.)
• Sky lanterns
• Laser pointers
• Team tents for more than 8 people
• Megaphones
• Furniture and objects of all kinds that can be identified as bulky waste
• Political or religious items of any kind
• Powerbanks (commercially available powerbanks that fit in a trouser pocket are permitted, larger ones are not)
• Professional photo, film, video cameras and audio recording devices (digital cameras and GoPros are permitted)
• Pyrotechnics
• Umbrellas
• Slingshots of all kinds (e.g. water bomb slingshots)
• Home-made music systems
• Selfie sticks
• Shishas with glass bowls
• Spiritus, petrol or other flammable liquids
• Animals/pets
• Dry ice
• Vuvuzelas
• Weapons of all kinds (also in the technical sense)
• Walky-talkies
• Sparklers
• Dangerous objects of any kind
• Other items
- Prohibited items must be disposed of before admission or stored by the public outside the festival grounds. The organiser expressly points out that it is not possible to remove items from the disposal containers. Prohibited items may not be deposited in lockers. There is no entitlement to a refund of the entrance fee.
- Domiciliary right / behavioural rules / photos and videos
- Domiciliary rights are exercised by the Organizer and/or authorized third parties. Instructions by the Organizer’s staff shall be followed. There may be additional behavioural rules applying to individual Parookaville areas (e.g. Festival Area, camping sites or parking lots) that will be communicated to visitors of these areas e.g. by displays in good time prior to the use of these areas.
- In particular, Citizens are not allowed
- to carry along banned objects in terms of par. 8.2,
- to physically harm other Citizens, the Organizer’s personnel or other third parties,
- to throw objects at the stage, the Organizer’s personnel or other Citizens,
- to urinate or relieve themselves outside the lavatory,
- to paint on, spray on or dirty installations, walls, objects, etc.,
- to perform any commercial, marketing or promotional activities without the Organizer’s prior written approval. Promotional activities of any kind, i.e. advertising a product, a service, a company or a brand as well as placing decorations or other objects are prohibited in the entire Festival Area. In case of infringement the action will be invoiced to the initiator on the basis of a comparable sponsoring contract. The Organizer reserves the right to claim additional damages; if possible, all measures taken shall be reverted,
- to access areas or rooms not released to Citizens and to climb on stages, tents, crossbeams or something like that,
- to stage-dive, crowd surf or pogo.
- Taking photos for private use is permitted. Personal rights of third parties shall be considered all the time. Sound recordings, shootings, digital recordings or videos (also for private use) are prohibited. Bringing along professional tape recorders and professional photo cameras, movie cameras, video cameras and digital cameras is prohibited. Any misuse shall be liable to criminal prosecution. Simple digital cameras without interchangeable lenses as well as GoPros (no professional equipment, no movie cameras) are permitted.
- The Organizer may expel Citizens infringing or having infringed these behavioural rules from the Festival Area and ban them. If a Citizen commits a crime at the PAROOKAVILLE Festival (e.g. drug trafficking, bodily injury, theft or sexual assault), such Citizen will be banned from the Festival Area without delay and without any prior warning and the incident will be reported to the police.
- If good cause (as defined hereinbefore) is shown, a Citizen will be banned from the event location and the ticket will no longer be valid; the admission fee will not be refunded. A Citizen having acted in breach of these Terms and Conditions or behavioural rules known to him, shall make good the damage caused to the Organizer.
- Youth protection
- The provisions of the Act on Protection of Young Persons in Public Life applies to the entire Festival Area.
- In derogation of the Act on Protection of Young Persons in Public Life only persons having attained the age of 18 are allowed to access the Festival Area. Children / youths not having attained the age of 18 are not allowed to access the Festival Area even if they are accompanied by a parent.
- Impairment of health through noise
A Citizen is aware of the fact that there is a special noise level at PAROOKAVILLE (in front of the stages, in particular) and that health could be impaired (hearing impairment, in particular). By using adequate equipment and noise limitations the Organizer will ensure that the visitors’ health will not be impaired by unreasonably high noise levels of performances. It is recommended to use earplugs especially near loudspeakers and to use a seat in front of the stages that meets your personal listening habits.
- Events / programme changes
- The Organizer does not have any influence on the type, length and content of a performance and does not assume any liability in this respect.
- A ticket entitles the holder thereof to visit a large number of concerts and events in the Festival Area. In case of programme changes, a cancellation of shows or concerts or by artists a visitor cannot assert any claims against the Organizer as long as the overall character of PAROOKAVILLE remains unchanged. Delays and rescheduled items on the programme shall be acceptable to a Citizen.
The Organizer will publish programme changes on its website at www.parookaville.com and in social media.
- Cancellation in advance, cancellation during the event or change in the execution of the event/force majeure
- If the Festival is cancelled in advance, cancelled during it’s execution or changed due to events that are demonstrably beyond the control of the Organizer, such as force majeure (in particular acts of terrorism, attacks, threats of attacks, war, civil war or war-like events, strike, lockout, labour unrest, riot and/or civil commotion, storms, flooding, pandemics/epidemics) and/or in the event of an official cancellation due to the aforementioned or other events, the following clause 13.2 shall apply.
- In the event of cancellation in advance, cancellation during the Festival or change of the execution pursuant to Section 13.1, the parties shall be released from their respective contractual obligations. The citizen's claim for refund is based on the statutory provisions. Each party shall bear its own costs. Any claims for damages or reimbursement of expenses are excluded.
- In case of cancellation of the festival due to an official order because of the Covid-19 virus, clause 13.2 applies accordingly. This also applies if the Organizer, after considering all circumstances, comes to the conclusion that the Festival has to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 virus, in particular due to danger to life and limb of those involved in the Festival or the Festival visitors, due to entry restrictions of those involved in the Festival or the Festival visitors, or due to contract cancellations by third parties, such as subcontractors, for whom the Organizer cannot procure a replacement.
- Cancellations or changes will be announced by the Organizer as early as possible. Changes during the festival will be announced by the Organizer on the screens and through notices. No claims of any kind can be derived from this on the part of the festival visitor, unless the organizer acts with gross negligence or intent. In addition, the current notices and the instructions of the security personnel on site apply.
- Liability
- The Organizer shall not be liable for damaged, lost or stolen property or property that has gone astray.
A claim for damages arising from a culpable breach or other causes in law that could be asserted by a guest shall be limited for the benefit of the Organizer to the effect that the latter is liable
a. to the full amount of damages only in case of gross fault in terms of Section 309, para. 7 b, German Civil Code (intent or gross negligence) on the part of the Organizer, its bodies or senior officers,
b. on the grounds of each culpable breach of essential contractual obligations the breach of which puts the achievement of the purpose of the contract at risk,
c. for vicarious agents on the grounds of gross fault in terms of Section 309, para. 7 b, German Civil Code. As regards par. b. and c. the Organizer shall only be liable for compensation of the foreseeable contractually anticipated damage upon signing of the contract.- The exclusions and limitations of liability referred to in a. – c. hereof shall not be applicable when guaranteeing the quality of a thing in terms of Section 444, German Civil Code, in case of a fraudulent concealment of a defect, in case of a damage resulting from an injury to life, body or health of a person insofar as the Organizer is responsible for the underlying breach of duty as well as in case of a mandatory liability under the Product Liability Act or in case of assuming a procurement risk in terms of Section 276, German Civil Code. In this respect it is pointed out that the Organizer assumes the procurement risk only in case of an explicit written agreement in terms of an express no-fault responsibility.
- The Organizer does not assume any guarantee for the correctness of statements made by the security and service personnel and statements in social media not directly authorized by the Organizer.
- Right to your own picture, image rights, video rights and audio rights
See Privacy Statement
- Applicable law, escape clause
- These General Terms and Conditions are subject to German law. These General Terms and Conditions are in the German language and they are legally binding only in this language. Translations of these General Terms and Conditions are intended to be a non-binding orientation for a customer. The German version is the only legally binding version which shall prevail in case of discrepancies between the German version and a version in another language.
- If a provision of these General Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid or unenforceable, Section 306, German Civil Code, shall apply.
- Refund of tokens
Tokens can be reconverted at the cash desk of the “Bank of PAROOKAVILLE” in the Festival Area and on the camping site during opening hours. Corresponding information about opening hours and reconversion rules are displayed on site. There is no refund after the end of the festival. Tokens cannot be used in the following year. For reasons of crime prevention only tokens up to EUR 50.00 can be reconverted. The organizer alone is responsible for the handling in connection with the token.
- Deposit bottles
A professional collection of deposit bottles is strictly prohibited in the entire Festival Area and will be prosecuted. In order to avoid a professional collection of deposit bottles in the Festival Area max. 10 bundles at a time can be exchanged at the bars.
II. Special regulations for parking lot
- General information
The contractor commissioned by the Organizer exercises domiciliary rights on the parking lots in its capacity as the Organizer’s representative. The parking lot of the Festival Area shall only be used by the Citizens and the Organizer’s staff. The parking lot can only be used for vehicles registered for public roads (no tuned or lowered cars, in particular). The following provisions and the regulations specified in par. I are accepted as parts of the contract that was concluded. A Citizen undertakes to pay attention to the parking lot regulations. A Citizen concludes a lease for a parking space with the Organizer. Protecting or keeping a parked vehicle or any other activities going beyond the provision of a parking space are not covered by the contract. Accordingly, the Organizer does not assume any duty of care. Staying overnight in a car on the parking lots is strongly prohibited.
- Right to use parking lots
Parking tickets bought on-line ahead of the festival shall be printed out and placed behind the windscreen in a clearly legible way. Tickets not printed out will not be considered. The Organizer shall not be liable for substitute procurements of parking tickets on site.
- Organizer’s liability
Citizens use the parking lot at their own risk. The Organizer shall be liable for any damage demonstrably caused by the Organizer or its staff and to the extent specified in par. I.14 and only if a damage was reported to the Organizer prior to leaving the parking lot. Personnel does not include farmers assisting in towing vehicles due to bad weather.
- Characteristics of parking lots
A Citizen is aware of the fact that the parking lot provided is a natural area treated only slightly. As a precaution, all claims for damages asserted by a Citizen on grounds of driving onto the parking lots are excluded.
A Citizen is also aware of the fact that in case of extremely bad weather there may be problems when approaching or leaving the parking lots. No guarantee is given in connection with driving on the parking lots.
Furthermore, a Citizen is aware of the fact that at night and during darkness lighting conditions are impaired. A Citizen shall, therefore, inform his passengers on his own authority.
- Parking
If no corresponding parking space is assigned by the Organizer or its staff a Citizen may choose a free parking space that is not reserved. In doing so a Citizen shall observe all regulations for parking lots. A Citizen shall park his car on a marked parking space in a way that passengers of adjacent cars can enter or leave their cars without any problems. If a Citizen fails to observe this provision, the Organizer shall be entitled to put the parking offender’s car into the correct position, to take it to another parking space or, lacking other alternatives, to remove the car from the parking lot. The Organizer shall do so at the expense of the Citizen concerned. The parking lot and its installations shall be treated carefully and used appropriately. Any damage caused shall be made good at the expense of the Citizen concerned. Parking cars the fuel tanks or fuel lines of which are leaking is prohibited. When approaching or leaving the parking lot a Citizen shall be bound by a general duty of reasonable care even if assisted by the personnel and representatives of the Organizer. Parked cars shall be locked and secured carefully. On parking lots only vehicles not exceeding a gross vehicle weight of up to 3.5 t including car trailer shall be parked.- Security personnel is used for marshalling and access authority controls but not for protecting vehicles.
- Security personnel is used for marshalling and access authority controls but not for protecting vehicles.
Citizen’s liability / applicability of road traffic regulations / further bans
A Citizen shall be liable for any damage caused by him or an accompanying person on the parking lot or to other Citizens. A Citizen undertakes to report any damage caused to the Organizer without delay. Road traffic regulations apply, i.e. going at walking pace. Notwithstanding additional restrictions you are not allowed, in particular,a. to leave the route in order to shorten the way,
b. to store objects of any kind,
c. to unnecessarily run and test engines,
d. to park vehicles the tank or carburettor of which is leaking,
e. to park vehicles that do not have a valid motor vehicle licence,
f. to clean or repair vehicles.
The parking lot is cleaned by the Organizer; pollutions caused by a Citizen shall be removed by the respective Citizen, If not, the Organizer is entitled to have these pollutions removed at the expense of the Citizen concerned. The Organizer’s personnel is entitled and obligated to ensure compliance with the parking lot regulations. Their instructions shall be followed.Removal – use of vehicle
The Organizer may cause a vehicle to be towed from the parking lot, ifa. the parking time is up without special arrangements made with the Organizer,
b. the parking lot is polluted or the operation thereof is jeopardized due to a leaking tank or carburettor or other defects,
c. a vehicle does not have a valid motor vehicle licence or if its license is withdrawn by the police.
All costs involved shall be borne by the Citizen concerned.
III. Special regulation for use of camp site
- Place to camp
The citizen with a camping visa is only entitled to a single tent pitch on the campsite. There is no entitlement to a site for groups. Furthermore, there is no entitlement to a specific campsite size. The actual camping areas may subsequently vary from the illustrations due to actual circumstances.
- Travel time and departure time
A place to camp on the camp site booked by a Citizen is available until 10.00 am. The entire camp site isn’t opened at a time but by sectors as required. Wild camping is prohibited and is officially prosecuted. Protection of the environment and the principle of waste prevention and correct waste disposal shall be observed. Considering the resultant fire hazard any unauthorized fireplaces on camping sites or parking lots are prohibited. The place to camp shall be cleared by 3.00 pm. Failure to observe this deadline may result in additional fees. Clearance in good time is a main obligation to be fulfilled by a Citizen.
- Stay / visit
- Access control
Prior to entering the camp site Citizens are required to undergo a control procedure (par. I.8). Each Citizen shall use regular camping equipment. Additional camping equipment requires the Organizer’s approval and shall be registered. - Power generators / nature protection
Both the environment and nature shall be protected. Respect for flora and fauna is of top priority. Therefore, power generators aren’t allowed; the use thereof is officially prohibited. It is strictly prohibited to put water contaminating substances into the earth. - Citizens aren’t allowed to dig gutters or other holes (e.g. for cooling) into the camping site.
- Use of gas cartridges
Gas cookers must be in a technically perfect condition and in accordance with German DIN standards. Gas cartridges (pierceable or valved cartridges up to max. 450 kg filling weight) shall be used. Open fires and camp fires are prohibited. - Barbecuing
Barbecuing using small barbecues is permissible. In case of storm or similar weather conditions barbecuing may be prohibited for safety reasons. In case of fire the security service shall be informed immediately even if the fire could be extinguished. In order to prevent accidents spirit, gasoline or other inflammable liquids are prohibited. Standard charcoal lighters shall be used as instructed. Barbecues shall never be left unattended when burning or ceasing glowing. Putting coal on the lawn in order to cease glowing is prohibited. - Waste disposal
At the camp site check-in all Citizens receive a garbage bag and a garbage deposit chip after putting on the festival bracelet. The garbage deposit amounting to EUR 10.00 paid upon buying the festival ticket will be refunded to the visitors at the garbage stations during the announced opening hours (www.parookaville.com) upon delivery of the filled bags and the garbage deposit chip. During the festival garbage shall be put into the bins and containers at the garbage collection points. In order to keep the all areas clean additional garbage bags are distributed by the marshals.
- Access control
- Defects
If the place to camp and/or other contractual services aren’t of the quality contractually agreed upon a Citizen shall report those defects in writing to the Organizer on the date of establishment and/or on the following day at the latest.
- Liability
A Citizen and the persons accompanying a Citizen undertake to treat the parking space as well as buildings, installations, inventory, etc. of the camp site carefully. Any damage caused by a Citizen or the persons accompanying a Citizen during the stay shall be reported without delay and made good. The Organizer expressly points out that there could be irregularities, damage or losses caused by nature (fruits of trees, insects, animals, branches, etc.); the Organizer doesn’t assume any liability for any such damage according to para. I 14.
- Unauthorized access
Any person staying on the camp site without authorization will be reported to the police for obtaining benefits by deception (Section 265a, German Criminal Code) and trespass (Section 123, German Criminal Code).
- Site rules
Use regulations and rules of conduct for the camp site communicated to the Citizens in good time (e.g. by displays) shall apply.
IV. Special regulations for the use of caravan parking spaces (Caravan Empire)
Entitlement to caravan parking space
Staying overnight in licensed trailers, campers, caravans or other sleeping vehicles is permissible in the areas designated as caravan parking spaces. A definition of sleeping vehicles in terms of these provisions can be found here.There is no entitlement to a certain parking space or place to camp. Places to camp are allocated by the Organizer’s marshals. Driveways and escape routes shall be clear all the time.
The Organizer points out that parts of the caravan parking spaces are pastures and/or arable land. Depending on the weather driving there could be difficult. As regards liability par. II.2 and II.3 (parking spaces) shall apply mutatis mutandis. If weather-related problems occur during departure please contact the info point without delay.
- Single access
Trailers, campers, caravans and other sleeping vehicles are granted single access to the designated Caravan Empire. After that the caravan area can’t be left (also applies to tractors) and re-accessed during the festival period.
- Liability
If a visitor is allowed to park a sleeping vehicle (including tractor, if needed) on the caravan parking spaces, parking shall be at visitor’s risk. The Organizer doesn’t assume any liability for damage or theft unless the Organizer or one of its vicarious agents acted intentionally or with gross negligence.
- Checks
Considering the festival’s safety requirements we are entitled to check vehicles inside and outside for prohibited items (see par. 1.7) and to ban non-compliant vehicles from the site. In such case add-on fees will not be refunded. When leaving Caravan Empire to the festival area there are identity checks. For additional information and regulations regarding Caravan Empire click here.
V. Special regulations for use of lockers
- Use of lockers
- Lockers in PAROOKAVILLE City can only be used during opening hours. Any use outside opening hours is prohibited. Lockers on the camp site are permanently accessible during opening hours.
- Lockers are locked using a code or a key. A Citizen receives the code / key at the info desk at the locker bunker.
- The Organizer is entitled to open lockers in case of imminent danger. Imminent danger also means that there is a reasonable suspicion of prohibited items (par. 8.2) deposited in a locker. When opening a locker the Organizer will call the police (if possible).
- Lockers are used by Citizens at their own risk. After expiration of the respective time lockers shall be cleared.
- Objects found in a locker after the end of the agreed time will be treated as lost property if possible. They will be listed by the Organizer and transferred to the lost property office of Weeze where they can be collected by a Citizen subject to the respective regulations. The organizer is not liable for the completeness of the items handed in at the lost and found office. Items of clothing cannot be handed in at the local lost and found office.
- The Organizer doesn’t assume any liability for personal effects deposited in a locker. This also applies to objects of value a Citizen places in a locker. Placing such objects is at a Citizen’s risk.